PBSproducer Above The Fold | |
FUN CONCERT EVENTS Hey Rock'N Roll aficionados, I'm Allan Mason, aka PBSproducer Mason, and I'm producing musical events again. Commonly referred to as a Blast from the Past, these events are written and produced by me, Emmy-Award winning senior PBS producer using the same programming formats I used way back when. Now these programs have been transformed from television to live events produced for your nostalgic entertainment. Take a look at WeedMusicEvents.com for additional music events. Pick an event and join the fun... Remember fun? | PURCHASE TICKETS Tickets are available today... Concert series includes great music, fun things to do, and a super delicious dining experience. ![]() View Events - Get Tickets TICKET SALES: Event meals are based on pre-event ticket sales. Tickets sold at the door do not include meals. |
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From Dave @ x22report 2023-DEC 19 Those Who Were Once Protected Are No Longer, Timing Is Everything, Epstein Show. The sting operation is now moving to the next level. The people must accept the information, this is why it had to go slow in the beginning. Now the drops of information is going to speed up. The 2024 elections are right around the corner and people now know who the corrupt people are. Those who were once protected are no longer, timing is everything, Epstein information inbound. X22report Website | |
From Dave @ x22report 2023-DEC 18 [DS] Goes All Out To Stop Trump Space... The [DS] is now going to push everything they have at Trump, they don't care about the optics anymore. Trump has pushed the [DS] to the breaking point, the [DS] is panicking and they will expose all of their moves. Election interference and the overthrow of the US government is now being exposed, tick tock. Space Command achieves full operational capability, the timing is everything. X22report Website | |
From Dave @ x22report 2023-DEC 17 [DS] Projecting Internet Shutdown, Think... The [DS] has tried almost everything to remove Trump. The indictments aren't working, arresting and putting Trump in jail will not work. The [DS] is now signaling that they will not be able to win against Trump. [BO] is getting ready to make a move. Scavino sends message, points to [HRC] and the [MB]. All roads lead to [BO]. The [DS] is now projecting that Trump will shutdown the internet, translation, the Biden admin will shut it down after the country is cyber attacked, the Biden admin will use the communication act to do so. X22report Website | |
From Dave @ x22report 2023-DEC 15 Panic In DC, Expect Massive Riots... The [DS] is felling the pain, there is panic in DC and Hunter already signaled that he will flee the country if Trump is reelected. Hunter is not worried about the indictments he is more worried about Trump. The other [DS] players will try to feel and they will use riots to distract everyone, this will fail because the military will shutdown the country because we were attacked. Game over. X22report Website | |
From Dave @ x22report 2023-DEC 12 Cyber Attack Narrative Building, It Will All... The [DS] will force Biden out one way or another. They will need to make it look natural, so his health will breakdown and they will have to use the 25th Amendment on him. The [DS] will use every resource to cheat but they will soon figure out that this won't happen this time around, they will then move to cancel the election. The cyber attack narrative is building. Trump and the patriots know the plan. Before the cyber event Trump will be informing the public via his cases. The patriots control the timetable, Game-Theory. X22report Website | |
From Dave @ x22report 2023-DEC 10 [DS] Projects Cyber Attack,... The [DS] indicted Hunter to get out of the House subpoena, they also started the process to remove Biden from office, change of batter coming. The [DS] is now projecting what they are going to do, they released a film on how the country is going to have a communication blackout because of a cyber attack. Countermeasures are already in place and the emergency alert system has been tested. The [DS] will attack the US like they did in 2020 but this time it will be used against them. Trump says it's time to liberate America from the [DS]. X22report Website | From Tucker @ TuckerCarlson 2023-DEC 07![]() PBSproducer.com/ARCHIVES/ |
From Dave @ x22report 2023-DEC 07 RINOS Fell Right Into It, Obama Colluded With... The [DS] and RHINOS are trapped, they have no place to go or hide. The RINOS went all in on DeSantis, and they went ahead with the Republic debate. Trump strategy trap the RINOS and that is exactly what he did. Israel was saved for last so the people can see the infiltration in this country. This all leads to [BO]. Obama colluded with others to take down the sitting President. Soon the people will learn why he did this. Treason, sedition. X22report Website | From Rush 2006 @ PBSproducer.com Rest In Peace Rush. You are still the man. PBSproducer.com/ARCHIVES/ |
From Dave @ x22report 2023-DEC 06 Plan Direction Confirmed, On Track, Optics Are Important, Objective [End]: Checkmate King The [DS] is following the path the patriots have laid out, the [DS] is getting ready to have a change of batter, Trump believes they will. Optics are important, everything that happens to the D's will be on their watch and they won't be able to blame Trump. The objective, checkmate the king. X22report Website | |
From Dave @ x22report 2023-DEC 05 Trump Trapped The [DS] Fear, Panic, Key... Trump has been trapping the [DS] every step of the way. The [DS] is panicking like we have never seen before, they tried everything to stop him but each move they make, makes Trump stronger. The key opened the door to information, the stone yields the power to act on the info, put it together and this is how the [DS] is destroyed. Trump is in position, the next moves are going to be glorious. X22report Website | |
From Dave @ x22report 2023-DEC 04 [DS] Desperate, Biden In Trouble, Moves & Countermoves, Red October [Cyber Attack Attempts] The [DS] is desperate, Biden is in trouble, the evidence is overwhelming and the WH press sec won't answer questions. The pressure is now on to either step down or be removed. The [DS] will eventually bring in Biden's replacement and the will realize they can't win so they will need to postpone the election. They have already started the narrative of a cyber attack. Trump and the patriots are counting on it. X22report Website | |
From Dave @ x22report 2023-DEC 03 Precedents Are Being Set, Boomerang, [BO], Watch The Water, At Dawn We Win. The [DS] are setting all the precedents which will be used against them. It will all boomerang on them. Biden is trapped, the D's are trapped, they will have to make a decision, leave Biden in or bring someone else in. In the end they will most likely force him out because they will not be able to cheat enough to win. Scavino sends message, at dawn we win. All roads lead to Obama. X22report Website | |
From Dave @ x22report 2023-DEC 01 [DS] Has No Plan B, Transparency &... The [DS] have tried everything, the only plan left is to try to stop Trump at all costs, but this is failing. They don't have a plan B. Everything they did to Trump is now happening to them, this is Trump's campaign. There is no other way, military controls the country, the [DS] is system is exposed, transparency is key. Next up is [BO], the people must know the truth, the people need to see, there is simply no other way, except one. X22report Website | From Allan @ PBSproducer.com Isn't Multiculturalism Great? That's exactly what the government has been telling us since 1950. It broadens our perspective, it makes us better, it's the right thing to do. What a crock of bull patties. Multi meaning many, how does that unite. The actual word is divisive. My 5th grade teacher actually passed to each student a stack of bound sticks, and instructed us to break them. Of course no one could, Then the teacher passed out a single stick and everyone broke it in half. See she said, united we stand divided we fall. She didn't say Multi we stand. See what spin can do? |
From Dave @ x22report 2023-NOV-26 [DS] Failed, Now They Are Pushing... The [DS] has failed in every attempt to remove Trump. The latest attempt of trying to get him off the ballot has failed. Now they are pushing the idea of an assassination by building the narrative. Trump and the patriots know the playbook and this will only add to their charges. The people are with the truth teller and if or when the [DS] attempts this act, it is truly game over for them. The evidence in the end will show that they are truly treasonous to this country. X22report Website | From Rush 2006 @ PBSproducer.com PBSproducer.com/ARCHIVES/ |
From Dave @ x22report 2023-NOV-22 [DS] Running Out Of Options, How Do You... The [DS] is running out of options, they have tried everything to remove Trump and it has failed. Trump is now baiting Biden into staying in the race even though he doesn't have the ability to win without his cheating system. The D's will eventually remove Biden because they will not have the ability to cheat on the scale that they would need to win, so they will need a change of batter. Trump will once again turn the tables on the [DS] and usher in paper ballots. X22report Website | |
From Dave @ x22report 2023-NOV-21 [DS] Propaganda Outlets Are Being... The [DS] propaganda outlet is now be exposed and it will be restructured once the people see the fake new system. The [DS] setup an insurgency and they been trying to slowly take over the country and turn it into something they want. Trump countered this with the counterinsurgency, but this tactic takes time, you need to show the people the system so the people can fight back. The plan is working and the people are countering the 16 year plan. X22report Website | |
From Dave @ x22report 2023-NOV-19 J6 & Election Narrative Imploding, Dog Comms, Trump Opened The Door Of All Door, Game Over The [DS] narrative for J6 and election rigging is now falling apart. Everything they are doing to Trump will boomerang on them. Since all the evidence is being released and there is more on the way, the [DS] is now using a funeral to keep the people busy. Scavino released two dog vids, are there going to be two funerals? Trump has opened the door of all doors, the people are going to see how they overthrough the US government, game over. X22report Website | |
From Dave @ x22report 2023-NOV-17 Newsom In Focus, At The Moment Of... The [DS] is now making a move to replace Biden in the 2024 Presidential run. Newsom will not work the D party, California is losing businesses, the people are moving out and crime is off the charts, the people see this. Will they sneak one in? The people are reaching the moment of destruction and they are finding the will to change. More people will be brought to this point, the [DS] is in panic mode. X22report Website | |
From Dave @ x22report 2023-NOV-16 Two-Tiered Justice System, Patriots Instill Fear, [DS] Then Makes Disastrous Countermoves The people are now seeing the two-tiered justice system. There is an article that Biden will not be charged in the doc case, no matter which what the [DS] moves they are screwed, they played the wrong hand when they went after Trump. The patriots instill fear to make the [DS] do what they need them to do. By using fear the [DS] continues to make disastrous countermoves. Game theory. X22report Website | |
From Dave @ x22report 2023-NOV-12 [DS] Cyber Narrative Building, How Do... The [DS] is now building the cyber narrative, Trump is going to show the people how the [DS] cheated in the election. The [DS] is going to be trapped and they will push their event. Trump has warned the people that war is coming and the people will need to make a decision. As the people see it all play out, they will accept what needs to be done. X22report Website ![]() | From Allan @ PBSproducer.com 2023-NOV-12 Protesting. It's a right but that doesn't give you cart-blanch to your cause. Cris Como actually said on live cable news,, "show me where it's to peacefully protest." It's in the 1st ammendment. The problem is, why do we follow the protest's message. You saw it, mentally processed it, have a position... now what? Are you ready to actually physically fight for their cause, just because protesters asked you to? Seems we have lost track of the smartest radio station in the world... WIFM. What's In-it For Me? Maybe it's better put this way... If you were punched in the nose, which instantly began to bleed; and before you could stop the bleeding everyone around you began shouting at you, the attack was brought on by you, let the puncher hit you again. First off, why take their advise, it was your nose, not theirs. Where's their dog in the fight? In the infamous words of Leela Turanga... You gotta do, what you gotta do. PBSproducer.com/ARCHIVES/ |
From Dave @ x22report 2023-NOV-12 [DS] Cyber Narrative Building, How Do... The [DS] is now building the cyber narrative, Trump is going to show the people how the [DS] cheated in the election. The [DS] is going to be trapped and they will push their event. Trump has warned the people that war is coming and the people will need to make a decision. As the people see it all play out, they will accept what needs to be done. X22report Website ![]() | |
![]() “In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.” ― Mark Twain | From Allan @ PBSproducer.com 2023-NOV-11 How close must it be to annoy you? Discomforting? Painful? Agonizing? Where's your level? There is a place however, and properly named "point of no return..." Do you know where that line lay? Nobody hates each other more than the media hypes it. Whom does division serve anyway? We're just people here, and here's our story... Youngster sitting on a curb eating a candy bar when an elderly man said to him; "You eat a lot of candy, it will shorten your lifespan." The youngster replied, "My Grandfather lived to be 106!" To which the elder asked, "did he eat a lot of candy?" The youngster looked the old coot in the eye and said, "No... he just learned how to mind his own business!" PBSproducer.com/ARCHIVES/ |
From Dave @ x22report 2023-NOV-9 Infiltrators Are Being Exposed,...The [DS] is being forced down the election path, they will have no choice but to postpone the election or let Trump win, they will not have the ability to cheat. The infiltrators are being exposed and Obama and the swamp are now separating themselves from anyone that supports Israel. The people will have a choice at the end, do we take back the country or do we allow the [DS] to control us. The people will do the right thing. X22report Website | From Allan @ PBSproducer.com 2023-NOV-9 Gas is $3.50 a gallon? Milk is on average $5.86 per gallon. How many miles per gallon does your car get? Average compact car gets 30 MPG. So you and your car may travel thirty miles for $3.50. That's a lot cheaper than a taxi, or even a Uber. How long does it take to walk thirty miles? At 4 MPH about 7.5 hours, (non-stop walking). How much do you earn per hour? No doubt gas would be better priced at $.32 per gallon, but that's determined by the manor in which you vote. As far as the milk is concerned... How long does milk last in your house? PBSproducer.com |
From Dave @ x22report 2023-NOV-8 Change Of Batter Coming, At Dawn Trump &... The patriots needed to show the Biden's Subpoenaed, Tick Tock,... The [DS] is now backed into a corner, the investigation is continuing against Biden, they will need to make a move against Biden. Everything we are witnessing is based on the 2024 election. The people need to be awake and they must vote using the truth. The [DS] knows they won’t be able to cheat this time around, they are planning an October surprise, the patriots already know about this, countermeasures are in place. The vote will be protected. X22report Website | From Allan @ PBSproducer.com 2023-NOV-8 There's nothing better than a good Conspiracy Theory. It has drama, excitement, action and suspense. Fun to watch. The Eye of Providence, as seen on the US $1 bill, has been perceived by some to be evidence of a conspiracy linking the Founding Fathers of the United States to the Illuminati. Makes one wonder... Who came up with the term "Conspiracy Theory?" I'm a Tibetan Man... Soooooo, how about $5.00 on the CIA? PBSproducer.com |
From Dave @ x22report 2023-NOV-7 Change Of Batter Coming, At Dawn Trump &... The patriots needed to show the people the truth, and the only way to do this was to have them experience the plan of the [DS]. As the people walk through it more and more are waking up, the final battle is around the corner. Trump will protect the vote, he is talking about paper ballots with watermarks. Scavino sends a message that at dawn the people and Trump win. Trump sends a message, the Trump card is coming. X22report Website | |
From Dave @ x22report 2023-NOV-6 It's About The Break, Election... The patriots decided to have a pause or break. This part of the plan was very important to wake the people up. The people see what happens when you cheat in the election and the people are going to see that war is a major consequence of cheating. Those who are blind will soon see the light, they will start to realize that the country is going in the wrong direction. Trump is protecting the elections in 2024, countermeasures were put into place. X22report Website | From Dave @ x22report 2023-NOV-5 The [DS] is about to be exposed. The government of the US has been infiltrated and now they will have to make a decision. When the chaos begins and DC is being attacked the WH is being stormed those people in DC and other places will need to remember their oaths. There is only one more year and the people need to see this playout until the end so they can finally vote to take back this country. X22report Website |
From Dave @ x22report 2023-NOV-5 The [DS] is about to be exposed. The government of the US has been infiltrated and now they will have to make a decision. When the chaos begins and DC is being attacked the WH is being stormed those people in DC and other places will need to remember their oaths. There is only one more year and the people need to see this playout until the end so they can finally vote to take back this country. X22report Website | From Dave @ x22report 2023-NOV-3 Commander In Chief & The People Will... The [DS] only has one path to follow, Trump and the patriots put the plan in motion. The 4yr pause is coming to an end and the people see the movement, it is larger and more powerful than ever before. This is the final battle. Trump signals that he is the Commander In Chief during the Houston rally. The people and the CIC will destroy the [DS] once and for all, the people will take back the country, we will finish the job with the CIC. X22report Website |
From Dave @ x22report 2023-NOV-3 Commander In Chief & The People Will... The [DS] only has one path to follow, Trump and the patriots put the plan in motion. The 4yr pause is coming to an end and the people see the movement, it is larger and more powerful than ever before. This is the final battle. Trump signals that he is the Commander In Chief during the Houston rally. The people and the CIC will destroy the [DS] once and for all, the people will take back the country, we will finish the job with the CIC. X22report Website | From Dave @ x22report 2023-NOV-2 [DS] Pushing Division, Civil War. The [DS] is now trying to push division, civil war which will bring us into WWW. The narrative is now being built for zero-day. The [DS] is pushing a cyber attack by Iran that might hit the US infrastructure. The [DS] is projecting what they are about to do. As the 2024 election draws closer and the people see the true enemy the [DS] will need away of cheating in the election and if they cannot cheat they will need to postpone the election. This will fail, countermeasures are in place, and the people will accept in person election, paper ballots and one day counting. X22report Website |
From Dave @ x22report 2023-NOV-2 [DS] Pushing Division, Civil War. The [DS] is now trying to push division, civil war which will bring us into WWW. The narrative is now being built for zero-day. The [DS] is pushing a cyber attack by Iran that might hit the US infrastructure. The [DS] is projecting what they are about to do. As the 2024 election draws closer and the people see the true enemy the [DS] will need away of cheating in the election and if they cannot cheat they will need to postpone the election. This will fail, countermeasures are in place, and the people will accept in person election, paper ballots and one day counting. X22report Website | From Dave @ x22report 2023-NOV-1 The People Are About To Face The Final... The [DS] is now moving down the path the patriots want them to follow, this is not about a 4 year election, from the beginning the mission was to take back they country, all of this pre planned, the people needed to see the [DS] system, the people will need to reach the precipice of destruction so they find the will to change. The weapons are real, the terrorist, war are controlled. Patriots have it all, much will be revealed in the end. X22report Website |
From Dave @ x22report 2023-OCT-30 Confirmed, [DS] Set The Path & Under investigation. We Can Now Do Things That Were Not Possible. The [DS] is now setting the precedent that Trump can use against them later on. The [DS] is being investigated by military intelligence. Soon the patriots will be able to do everything they are doing to Trump to them. Trump will be able to do things that were not possible. The people will be with him, the people will want peace. X22report Website |
From Dave @ x22report Confirmed, [DS] Set The Path & Under investigation. We Can Now Do Things That Were Not Possible. The [DS] is now setting the precedent that Trump can use against them later on. The [DS] is being investigated by military intelligence. Soon the patriots will be able to do everything they are doing to Trump to them. Trump will be able to do things that were not possible. The people will be with him, the people will want peace. | Trump says, Not Much Longer? The war between the Deep State and the Patriots can now be seen. The clean up operation is now moving forward. The [DS] will try to use this to cover-up their crimes, this will backfire. Patriots have it all, it was declassed along time ago. Trump has filed a court document that shows he will be introducing classified information on election fraud. This will bypass the fake news, they will try to spin, but this will fail. This will be the shot heard around the world when the people find out who was involved... Dave. |
Alex Jones Was Right? After Jones was banned from almost everything, it turns out he may have been right about his laddish conspiracy theory's. Did Derek Chauvin actually kill George Floyd? Autopsy reports are being exposed in court as the coroner's secretary is suing Dr. Andrew Baker for withholding evidence, because he was worried about public opinion. Why is Derek Chauvin still in jail? Your are getting sleepy... sleepy, sleepy. Accept the fact that all white people are racist, and all they want is to eliminate people who aren't like them. Sleepy, sleepy. That's why we fought the Civil War, right? Sleepy, sleepy, sheepy. | White People are Evil? Let's see how evil, shall we? Who invented the telephone? White guy. Who invented the phonograph? White guy. Who invented motion pictures? White guy. Who invented the television? White guy. Who invented open heart surgery? White guy. Who invented the cell phone? White guy. Who invented the Atomic Bomb? White guy. Who invented Peanut Butter? It was the white guy who got to the patent office first. I could go on forever, but I think you get the point. Without the white man, where the heck would we be? Oh yeah... Who freed the slaves? White guy. |