Rock'N Blues Hour
Way back in 1992, PBSproducer Mason was trying to recreate the club scene from the 60's and wound up with a pilot for the Rock'N Blues Hour, Some great groups participated in the production, and the Back Alley isn't around anymore... Sad. Watch it all. | The Liberty Hour
PBSproducer Allan Mason produced this special show with Libertarian Presidential Candidate Harry Browne. The Host was played by Japheth Gordon, Uncle Sam played by Jeffery Bower, and written by Mason and Browne. This skit reveals the abuses of a tyrannical government from Uncles Sam's perspective." Watch More | What is a Soul?
What's a soul? Does it really exist? Where's the proof? One cannot touch it, or see it, hear or taste it, and none of the other senses recognize it. But maybe, just maybe this will explain it. Read More. | A Song for Autism
PBS Producer Allan Mason and Malloy Records put together this music video depicting the plight of Autistic children. Mark Leland, interviewed by PBSproducer Mason made this video a standard for Autism awareness. Watch More. |
Backbeats-Krypt Kickers
It's all Rock'n Roll to me. If you were in South Florida during the 60's you've heard the Backbeats and the Krypt Kickers. Two prominent rock groups that dominated the club scene, appeared at places including the War Memorial Auditorium, Code 1, PAL, and heard on WQAM and WFUN. Clicketh Here. | The Snake
Signer songwriter Al Wilson released this hit in 1968. The song tells a story similar to Aesop's fable The Farmer and the Viper and the African American folktale, Mr. Snake and the Farmer. We are happy President Trump incorporated it at his rallies... It perfectly depicts the Democrats. How did Aesop know? Listen to This | Free Robes Wallet
If you are involved in an auto accident, the Robes Wallet is just what you need. Listen to this radio skit about what to do if you have an unfortunate experience. Performed by PBSproducer Allan Mason and Rick Snyder. Call and get your free wallet from the Robes Law Group today. Click here to hear details. | Free Mason's in the Civil War
North vs. South? How did the Free Masons make a difference in the Civil War? Worshipful Bill Comer covers the statistics from a Free Mason's Point of View, combined with some great war stories. Comer is a Civil War actor performing in authentic 1861 Civil War regalia. Watch More. |